Sunday, September 18, 2011

Next scrapbook day, Sunday Sept 25th, Noon-5pm

Hi all,
I have been busy.  Getting ready for the Women's Expo.  It was cancelled, just 2 weeks before it was to happen.  Bummer!.  Now I am working on our house.  Doing some upkeep prior to listing it on the market.

Now to the SCRAPBOOK day.  It will be Sunday, the 25th of Sept. from noon-5pm.  You can work on your own projects or on one that I am doing.

Info on my project is:
Using patterns out of the Reflections How-to Book.  It is a 2pg layout.  Everyone that decides to do this will have the same pattern, but different papers and accents.  They bring their own paper and accents.

Here is what you need to bring;
Photo sizes:  6x4 (3)
                     4x6 (2)
                     4x4 (1)
                     3 1/2 x5 (1, or this can be your journal area)
Paper sizes:
2 base pages ( they will have parts that are visable when done with layouts)
paper (a); 6x12, 5x7 (x2)
paper (b); 2x12, 1 1/2x 1 1/2
paper (c); 5x5, 7x5 (x3)

And what every accents you want to go with paper and pics.

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